If You’re Not Blogging, You’re Missing Out (Blog Examples and Tips)

woman on her laptop researching blog examples

Before we begin, we’ll address the elephant on the page. Writing a blog about writing blogs seems pretty hilarious, but how else are we supposed to tell you about best practices and great blog examples? Through social media posts? That would take a whole long thread on X Formerly Known as Twitter. Through the postal service? That’s obviously not practical. So we have to be really meta about it.

With that out of the way, let’s get down to business. Have you noticed a dip in web traffic recently? Maybe you can’t quite pinpoint the cause. Your social media posts are performing well and your paid ads are proving to be worth the investment, but what about your blog? Having one is a great start, but if you aren’t updating it regularly you’re missing out on some important opportunities.

There really is a lot to be said about the importance of writing blogs to help give your business a boost. It can increase traffic, educate your audience, generate leads, and even support your efforts elsewhere! Let’s get into all the benefits of blogging and even take a look at some well-crafted blog examples.

Boosts SEO and Organic Traffic

Search engines are always hungry, and content is their food. A consistent blog provides a steady stream of fresh content for those search engines to feast on (and readers to feast their eyes on), which helps your website rank higher in search results! But it’s not just about writing with reckless abandon. These search engines essentially reward the proper use of things like keywords. For example, if we want this very blog to help our SEO efforts, we would try to utilize a popular keyword related to the subject we’re writing about—a keyword like “writing blogs.” 

Turns out Google really likes that last sentence.

The thing is, we have to be careful not to overuse keywords when blogging for business purposes, otherwise it’ll be considered spam. For now, though, we’re in the clear. We’ve only used the keyword mentioned above three times, so we’re far from getting dinged. As long as SEO best practices like this are followed in your blog, you’ll likely see an increase in your search rankings.

The content still has to be valuable to the human user, though. Make sure you’re writing organically and including information relevant to your target audience. Otherwise, people will see through it pretty easily, and you’ll likely lose out on valuable organic traffic.

Establishes Authority and Expertise

A blog that’s well-maintained is a great tool for showing your customers you know what you’re talking about! If they visit your site and find a treasure-trove of write-ups about the very thing your site is selling, they’ll likely be more confident in your abilities. Would you even still be on our website if we just had basic service descriptions and nothing else? Probably not. 

By sharing relevant industry insights, tips, and trends, you can position your business as an authority in your industry. This trust you establish with your customers through consistent knowledge and resources goes a long way towards turning one-time customers into loyal ones. Keep up that credibility-building, and you’ll be recognized within your industry for all the right reasons!

Not sure how to convey all that knowledge in written form? Get some inspiration from our list of blog examples later in this post! Don’t have time to learn SEO and write blogs every month? Let a team of experts take this task off your hands and see your website traffic increase drastically!

Engages and Educates Your Audience

We know you can’t spend your days chatting on the phone with each customer like they’re your high school crush, but that doesn’t mean you can’t maintain communication with them. By writing—you guessed it—a blog, you can engage your readers in several ways: 

  • By presenting them with the blog content itself
  • Through comments on the blog post
  • Social media shares
  • Emails/periodic newsletters

All these things can present interlinking opportunities with your content, which is just one of several benefits of blogging. It serves as a source of education for anyone who wants a few extra slices of knowledge. When you’re constantly keeping their attention, you’re constantly keeping their business! 

Generates Leads and Conversions

Writing blogs is an opportunity to generate leads. How? By engaging with and encouraging your customers! This could take the form of a call-to-action (CTA) to get in touch (see our “Team of Experts” link above), sign up for a newsletter, request a quote, or plenty of other things your customers will find valuable. A thoughtfully constructed blog encourages site visitors to take the next step. This turns them from casual readers into potential buyers and, hopefully, loyal customers. As time goes on, your continued nurturing of this relationship with potential customers helps to increase conversions and foster business growth!

Need help crafting that sales language to entice your prospects to work with you? Reach out to ArachnidWorks today!

Supports Social Media Strategy

How did you find yourself on this page? If it wasn’t through a web search, it was likely through a social media post that linked here. Every blog you write can be turned into at least one social media post, but you’ll often have the opportunity to craft several. Take this very blog, for example. We’ll probably make a general post saying, “Read this great new blog!” and include a link, but our Social Media team will likely see the potential for more content than that. Maybe they’ll make a post covering each section we cover, or they might possibly find a high-value tip somewhere here that our followers on social will find value in.

Disclaimer: I don’t actually know if that’s exactly what they’ll do, but you can bet they’ll create some great social content from this blog!

Thanks to this steady flow of content you’ll be able to share with your social following, you’ll keep engagement high and drive traffic to your site. If that content is valuable enough, your readers may even spread your content across their networks and get you welcome exposure!

Our Top Blog Examples

Writing about blogs and leaving it at that may be effective enough, but we want to do you one better. We want you to see what the end result should look like. We’ve gathered a small list of blog examples that you can take some SEO inspiration from!

#1: ArachnidWorks

Do we have a great blog full of marketing tips and well-optimized for SEO? Did we just put ourselves at the top of this list? Yes, but that’s what you can do when you write great blogs!

#2: HubSpot

HubSpot knows marketing, and their expertise really shines through in their blog. They’re bound to show up in your search results if you’re Googling things like “blog examples” or “social media tips.”

#3: Ahrefs

This is a site we visit every day, and not just because they have a great keyword-research tool. Their blog is filled with invaluable tips and tricks for anything and everything SEO. It’s updated nearly daily. They sure have a lot to say, and the impressive part is that there’s value in all of it.

#4: Mailchimp

Mailchimp’s blog is chock full of useful tips for budding marketers and full agencies alike. You’ll find insights on email best practices, networking, and much more.

#5: Serious Eats

Serious Eats knows food. They also know how to connect with their audience. They can relate to them with posts that touch on everything from the latest industry news to weird thoughts we’ve all had while cooking.

Reap the Benefits of Blogging

There are plenty of undeniable benefits to writing blogs for your business—boosting SEO and traffic, engaging your audience, generating leads, supporting your social efforts, etc. It’s an invaluable resource if you’re looking to grow your business. And on the opposite side of the coin, neglecting it could be hurting you. If you’re just now discovering the power of blogging, no sweat! It isn’t too late to start, and we’ll be happy to help you stay competitive, build your internet presence, and grow your relationships!

Thanks for reading our blog blog. We can’t wait to see your business grow!